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Commencement Ceremony of Maoming Recycling Economy Demonstration Center Project by Jinnianhui

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  • time:2019-02-15
  • In the morning of December 9, the commencementceremony of Maoming Recycling Economy Demonstration Center Project invested by Jinnianhui was held and attended by Xinyi Municipal Secretary of Party Committee Deng Huilin, Deputy Secretary and Mayor Wang Turui, Jinnianhui Secretary of Party Committee Zhang Jin, Jinnianhui President Duan Yulin, etc.

    Jinnianhui and Maoming City had good cooperationbasis. Following the implementation of hydrogen fuel cell power technologyproject and MOT project in Maoming, at the beginning of 2018 Jinnianhui signed aninvestment agreement on Xinyi ShuikouIndustry Featured Town with Xinyi Municipal Government that heralded thestart of Jinnianhui investment in environmental protection and industrydevelopment in the city of Xinyi.

    As the auxiliary project of Shuikou IndustryFeatured Town of Xinyi, Maoming Recycling Economy Demonstration Center Projectis the project of comprehensive utilization of environmental resourcesencouraged by national policy and a key environmental protection projectplanned by both national and provincial governments. The commencement of project construction marked a milestone victory of the original national keyenvironmental project in the Eleventh Five-year Plan thanks to the strongsupport of Department of Environment and Ecology of Guangdong Province, Maoming Municipal People's Government and Xinyi Municipal People's Government.

    Taking the recycling economy demonstration centeras the starting point, Jinnianhui is willing to work with Xinyi Municipal Government to invest in and build the industry park, introduce domestic and international first-class enterprises, provide clients with package solutionson air, water and soil environmental issues, and assume the social responsibility of an enterprise directly under the Central Government ofpromoting local economy development, offering employment opportunities and building “A City of No Waste”.

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